Sunday, April 26, 2009

Dino Air

One could say that Dino Air is a little antiquated. Although, gone are the days of having to mount a Pterodactyl which was messy. Very messy, more misses than hits with those unreliable winged beasts with teeth. However progressive these new mechanical birds of steel were at the turn of the century not much has evolved at Dino Air since the 1960's. The in-flight service leaves something to be desired. The all you can eat if you can catch it system only works for some and the constant reel to reel repeats of the feature movies 'Jurassic Park' 1, 2,3 and 4 can really bake your noodle. Lucky for the hot sassy stewardesses, no 'VPL' in those tight packages in fact no panties at all.

Dino Air. Large brooch $45

Dino Air. Large brooch $45

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